With rising energy and electricity costs and the negative impacts associated with coal burning, nuclear power generation and other sources of conventional energy, the private and social costs of providing energy to a traditional home can be extraordinary. The Green Home is designed to reduce heating and cooling costs by approximately 75% when compared to conventional home costs. A ground source heat pump utilizes the earth’s stable year-round temperature of approximately 55-59o F at this site as a heat source in the winter and a heat sink in the summer to reduce heating and cooling costs by up to 75%. With the use of other innovative systems such as spray-foam insulation and rigid foam insulation, high-performance doors and windows, a sealed crawl space, appliances, a 10-kilowatt solar panel and an under-roof solar thermal system, the need for fossil fuel- or nuclear-based grid-supplied energy is significantly reduced. Electricity costs in the Green Home are further reduced through the use of compact fluorescent lighting, LED lights, appliances, and extensive daylighting.
Water bills for green home residents are also significantly less than those of traditional homeowners. The GreenHomeâ„¢ has a goal of reducing water use by at least 50% compared to a conventional home. The plumbing system includes low-flow toilets and rainwater is captured and reused for landscape irrigation, toilets and the washing machine. These features significantly lessen water consumption and reduce water and sewer bills.
The Green Home is constructed with superior, long-lasting materials that require less upkeep and costly home maintenance. The Green Home is also landscaped with indigenous vegetation that requires little maintenance and virtually no irrigation. Some systems will require more maintenance than a home without the system, but the time and money required are insignificant compared to the added health benefits.